The safety of CHAMPS participants is a top priority. First, confirm your school is a funded-CHAMPS program. Next, distribute the CHAMPS Parent Consent Form (opens in a new browser window) and attach the Concussion Parent Fact Sheet (opens in new browser window) for parents and legal guardians to review and sign. Last, the hired teacher-coach will collect and keep signed consent forms with emergency contact information in their CHAMPS Program Binder. 

See: "What am I required to keep in my CHAMPS Program Binder?"


Parent Consent Form 

Teacher-coach must have a signed CHAMPS Parent Consent Form filed either physically or electronically for each student who participates in the school program. This is the only acceptable form of parental permission, and it includes general NYCPS media consent for students to be photographed during the program. 

Concussion Parent Fact Sheet

Teacher-coach must ensure parents receive and have the most current information about the risks of concussions. The Concussion Parent Fact Sheet will help parents recognize, manage, and respond to concussion symptoms.