1. Log in to the Wellness Council Manager app (opens in new window).
  2. On the left side of your screen, click on “Goals and Spending.” 
  3. Next, on the top right on your screen, click on “Go to: Instructions” and choose a goal from the dropdown menu. 
  4. You can modify existing goals and spending proposals and/or add up to five goals and spending proposals. 
  5. For each goal, you must choose whether or not you will spend funds and, if so, if you will spend them on goods, per session, and/or professional services. 
  6. If you choose to spend funds on a goal, the text box for your spending proposal will appear. 
  7. Throughout the school year, you may modify your existing goals and spending proposals as needed and/or add new goals and/or spending proposals. 

Go: to Instructions screen shot