In order to change or replace a teacher-coach, the principal must email the Office of School Wellness Programs Borough Team InboxThe Office of School Wellness Programs will review the circumstance and verify the new teacher coach's certificates before approving the teacher replacement. When the teacher-coach replacement is approved the school will be notified. The new teacher-coach will be added to the CHAMPS Manager App.

CHAMPS Policies: 

  1. The bulk job code is for the approved teacher-coach listed on the CHAMPS Manager App and may not be used for any other staff not approved by the Office of School Wellness Programs.

  2. Long term absences that directly affects the CHAMPS program's continuity (includes but not limited to payroll secretary and teacher-coach resignation, family leave, medical leave, long-term illness, retirement, reassignment, sabbatical, including loss of activity space/gymnasium, and/or schedule conflicts) must be reported to the Office of School Wellness Programs within 24 hours.